Galt Investments' record of consistently strong returns is based on proven investing. Long-term returns and market environment drive our investment strategy. We target early/expansion stage investment opportunities in three high growth sectors - information technology, life sciences & consumer distribution. The ability to be nimble and apply emerging technologies to our in-depth industry knowledge is also key to our success.
We focus on companies in industries where we see tremendous market growth potential and where we also have considerable industry expertise. Broadly categorized into information technology, life sciences and consumer distribution, these areas of expertise include telecommunications, software, internet infrastructure and services, biopharmaceuticals and global commerce (online and offline).
Our ability to allocate investments in both early and expansion stage companies provides our investors with high risk-adjusted returns and allows us to be selective in our commitments. In our early stage investments, we take an active leadership role to add value towards high returns.
We seek to identify superior growth opportunities through proprietary sources of deal flow that include our personal network of relationships of our investment professionals and partners.